Put away that EVOO, and forget about cooking with PAM.
Grapeseed oil is the way to go.
Grapeseed oil is made by cold-pressing grape seeds after they have been used to make wine. It is used in many facial and body care products, and is known for its anti aging effects.
Backed by famous chefs like Robert Irvine, Victor Scargle, and Kent Rathbun, grape seed oil is the “chef’s choice” when is comes to cooking due to it’s clean flavor profile, high smoke point, and amazing health benefits.
Grape seed oil has ZERO cholesterol and helps to lower the lipoproteins (LDL) and bad cholesterol in your blood as well as raise the high density lipoproteins (HDL) and good cholesterol.
Grape seed oil can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen. You can use it in marinades, salad dressings, stir fries, baking, and even deep frying! Because of it’s high smoke point, grape seed oil can be raised to a higher temperature than most oils, which means less oil will be soaked up by your food. I even use it to pop my pop corn!
Grape seed oil is excellent for your circulatory system, and can also help relieve varicose and spider veins. It is also useful in helping with a number of other conditions such as;
- premenstrual syndrome
- dental cavities
- cancer
- chronic venous insufficiency (damaged valves in the veins, carrying blood to the heart)
Your body will thank you.
(This is the actual bottle I use at home. I buy mine at Sam's Club.)
I love the many benefits that grape seeds can bring to a human's body. Me and my chronic venous insufficiency treatment center uses this for our everyday meals. Keep sharing!