Hello Blogger Land!!
Been busy. Starting a new business isn't easy. For those who don't know, I have begun my career as a Tupperware consultant! I've really excited about it. The product is so amazing, and who wouldn't want to party for a living?!
So today, in celebration of Tupperware for Record Breaker month, I decided to make a Tupperware recipe!!
I present to you:
Peanut Butter Granola Bites!
Now, for the record this is a Tupperware recipe, not mine, even if I have made a few changes to it.
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 4 Tb. butter
- 4 Tb. honey
- 1 cup rice cereal
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup dried cherries or cranberries
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
And now to admit to my supreme failure. Those delicious beauties you see above... were made wrong. Yeah. I goofed and used a cup of butter and 4 Tb of peanut butter. And while they are still delicious, they aren't nearly as healthy as they would have been had I not written the recipe down incorrectly.
Feel free to make them either way. They still taste delicious!
- Melt the peanut butter, butter, and honey in the microwave for about one minute. If you own Tupperware, use your Micro Pitcher Set for this.
- In a separate bowl, combine rice cereal, oats, dried cranberries, and chocolate.
- Pour melted peanut butter mixture over the rice mix and stir to combine.
- Use a scooper to scoop equal portions onto wax paper on a sheet pan.
- *extra step if you use the butter heavy recipe* Put sheet pan with scooped mix into the freezer to firm up the balls. Remove after about 5 minutes.
- Using your hands, roll into balls for a more uniform look.
Super easy! So easy, it really SHOULD be illegal!
Before being rolled
Sorry for the dark pictures. I made these late at night. =P
That's it!! Enjoy! And please check out my Tupperware website! Feel free to contact me for all your Tupperware needs!
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