I do weird things when I'm hungry...
Like make weird sandwiches that end up tasting AMAZING.
Today I woke up early (8:00 is early for me) and I was starving. I traipsed into the kitchen, intent upon having some eggs. Unfortunately, I was way too tired to cook anything, but then I remembered my Microwave Breakfast Cooker from Tupperware that I got in my started kit. I haven't tried it out yet, so I unwrapped it, washed it, and tried to think of what to make.
For my first time use, I decided on eggs, cheese, and some herbs. I scrambled up the eggs (two to be exact) added some grated cheese, some sage, thyme, and salt, then placed the cover on top. Two minutes in the microwave later, I had scrambled eggs! No cooking necessary! Slid right out of the container and onto my plate where I topped them with salsa and devoured next to a Banana's Foster Muffin and a mandarin orange.
It was around my final bite that C texted me and asked if I wanted to go to Costco with her to buy the gym membership I've been wanting so badly. See, Costco has this amazing deal going with 24 Hour Fitness where you can buy a two year membership to 24 at Costco for only $350. AMAZING deal, right?
So of course I said yes!
So we went to Costco and I got the membership (that I will start tomorrow, WOO!) and might have gone a little crazy buying produce.
I just couldn't help myself. When it comes to produce... I get so excited.. I just want to buy everything!
I managed to restrain myself today, and only ended up spending an extra $50 on spinach, cucumbers, bell peppers, grapes, kiwi, blueberries, apple crisps, and pineapple!
Annnd... somehow this turned into a long story for just one picture.
Anyway, hung out at C's house awhile then went home 'cause she had to go to work. And of course, when I got home.. I was hungry again, and for some reason I was craving eggs... again.
This time I didn't mind cooking, so I decided to make an egg sandwich. Then I remembered I had chicken thawed in the fridge.
And then I figured I might as well add some cheese.
And then I saw the spinach on the counter.
And the red bell peppers caught my eye...
And it all turned into one big sandwich.
Two slices of toasted potato bread, two eggs, a chicken breast with salt, pepper, tarragon and sage, sauteed spinach and ¼ a red bell pepper, a tiny bit of mayo and a slice of cheese later...
Yeah. It was as tasty as it looks. The protein from the chicken and the eggs, along with the spinach and the cheese... I only realized after I had inhaled it that this sandwich was PACKED with protein.
And MAN was it delicious!
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